Bariatric surgery in Tijuana: Do I need weight-loss surgery?

Bariatric surgery in Tijuana is a solution when you know that extra pounds risk your health, well-being, social relations, and self-esteem.

You know what you feel, looking at the mirror and the no succeed in diets, exercise or any other option to lose weight. Besides, your body feels the weight of extra pounds. It’s like carrying an overweight you don’t need, affecting your bones and junctures, and making problems during sleep or everyday life. Indeed, the overweight condition is a problem that, in many cases, is associated with health dangers. Overgheithed people suffer health conditions such as heart stroke, high blood pressure, apnea, diabetes, or arthritis. The overweight condition is an obstacle to physical activities in everyday life, from climbing stairs to walking in the street. Finally, obesity can be a factor in social isolation and depression. Weight-loss surgery is an option that can change your entire life. Come to Vive Bariatric in Tijuana and meet the team of expert doctors specializing in the field, with thousands of happy success stories to tell. You can be one of them.

Do I need surgery?

First, you must have an exam with the Bariatric Team to test your health.  Weight-loss or Bariatric surgery includes different procedures according to the patient’s condition. If you have a Body Mass Index or BMI of 28 or more, you can be a candidate for Bariatric surgery. BMI, or the Body Mass Index, is an international measure to estimate your weight according to height. It helps to work out if your weight is healthy. You can estimate your BMI using one of the online calculators like this from the page of the National Heart, Blood, and Lounge Institute in the US.

Besides the weight and height, your doctor will consider your age, gender, and lifestyle to make a complete exam of your health and weight. If you have chronic illnesses, whether or not they are caused by being overweight, the bariatric team will consider that factor when designing your best weight loss procedure.  On many occasions, obesity is a factor that generates risks in the case of having a previous disease, whether or not it is associated with being overweight.  The goal of bariatric surgery and procedures is to bring your body weight to the optimal BNI for your condition, to achieve health, wellness, and a feeling of success.

What are the main bariatric surgery procedures?

One of the main objectives of bariatric surgery is to reduce food intake or absorption. This procedures eliminate the sensation of hunger and allow you to eat less.  To reduce food intake, the Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Balloon, and Lap-Band procedures reduce the stomach’s capacity to receive food.

-Gastric Sleeve or Gastrectomy

The Gastric Sleeve is one of the best systems in bariatric surgery.  It has permanent effects and is among the least invasive. It is the ideal procedure for most patients, depending on their previous health conditions. It consists of the removal of 80 percent of the stomach. The surgeon leaves a tube or sleeve, from which the procedure takes its name. The surgeon performs the procedure using a laparoscopic technique, that is to say, using small instruments for cuts of a few millimeters and a television camera. It allows for to elimination of possible scars and favors a fast recovery.

-Gastric Balloon

The system consists of introducing one or more balloons in the stomach in the place of the food. With this, the patient feels a sensation of satiety, reducing his food intake and consequently reducing his weight. There are several options for the gastric balloon. Some have the size of a grape and are swallowed directly by the patient in the office. Others are deposited in the stomach and then inflated from the outside.


The surgeon places a belt around the stomach to reduce its dimensions and prevent the ingestion of extra food. Among its advantages, the doctor can control the pressure of the Lap Band from outside the body. Besides, after the treatment, the physician can remove it. Other options allow the digestive system to absorb less food, such as the Gastric Bypass and Duodenal Switch.

-Gastric Bypass or Roux-en-Y

It consists of surgically creating a direct connection between the upper part of the stomach and the small intestine or duodenum. It eliminates the passage of food through a large part of the intestine, thus reducing the surface area of food absorption, preventing the patient from gaining weight, and facilitating weight loss.

-Duodenal Switch

The Duodenal Switch combines Gastric Sleeve with Gastric Bypass, reducing the size of the stomach and eliminating a portion of the duodenal or small intestine. It is a solution for extreme cases and diabetes type 2 patients.

How much weight is lost and in how much time?

The bariatric surgery aim is to help the patient reduce weight to a stable level within normal parameters according to weight, height, gender, and age. This level is considered the ideal weight for each person. Once reaching the ideal weight, the patient stabilizes in the healthy parameters. How quickly the patient reaches the optimal weight depends on the type of procedure performed. Usually, weight loss begins immediately and is noticeable from the first month after the operation. In the first three months, the patient reduces more than 50 percent weight, reaching the ideal weight after a year.

During the weight loss process, the patient has the bariatric team’s assistance, headed by Dr. Alberto Carlos. Meet them!

Call now to Vive Bariatric Tijuana and have a complete exam.