Gastric Sleeve

If diet and exercise aren’t helping you achieve your weight loss goals, you may turn to weight loss surgery.

Gastric sleeve is a procedure that can lead to long-term, healthy weight loss that improves your health and slims your figure.

See how Vive Bariatrics can perform gastric sleeve surgery that doesn’t break the bank in Tijuana, B.C


What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve, also called “sleeve gastrectomy” or “vertical sleeve gastrectomy,” is a bariatric surgery in which a bariatric surgeon removes 80 percent of the stomach. The stomach is then joined together once again, giving the stomach a sleeve-like appearance. 

Patients who receive this bariatric procedure typically lose about 60 percent of their excess body weight in 12-18 months.

The Benefits of Gastric Sleeve

Weight loss can help patients manage weight-related medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

When your stomach is about a fifth of the size it was before, you’ll feel full after eating less food. You also won’t be able to eat as much as you used to, allowing you to lose weight.

Gastric sleeve surgery removes the part of the stomach that produces most of your ghrelin, the “hunger hormone” that increases your drive to eat.

Other bariatric surgeries like gastric bypass require the rerouting of the small bowel. Though you may lose more weight with gastric bypass, gastric sleeve surgery is simpler and safer.

Achieving your weight loss goals leads to more than just a healthier body — it may also help you feel more attractive. You may be able to navigate the world with confidence and feel comfortable in your body.

People who struggle with weight management may feel as though their clothing choices are limited. When your body is more proportionate, it opens the door for wearing clothes that didn’t look quite right before.

Achieve the Body You Wan


LAll of our patients were beautiful before their sleeve gastrectomies, but look how confident they are now!

Case 1

This patient has a new frame to display her gorgeous dresses.

Case 2

This patient was able to lose excess weight without losing her beautiful figure.

Case 3

This patient exudes confidence now that she’s healthier and happier.

Healthy Weight Loss Is Possible


At Vive Bariatrics, we pride ourselves on offering safe, affordable, and effective bariatric surgery. Dr. Octavio Segura is board certified in both Mexico and the United States, so no matter where you’re from, you know his skills are up to par. He can provide you with bariatric surgery to help you achieve your dream figure and improve your health.

If you want to achieve long-term, healthy weight loss, a gastric sleeve may be right for you. Request a consultation with us today or call our Tijuana office if you have questions:

(619) 413-0120

“Patients who receive gastric sleeve surgery typically lose about 60 percent of their excess body weight in 12-18 months.”


Choose Medical Tourism

We know gastric sleeve surgery can be expensive in countries like the United States and Canada, so we make our services available to people all over the world. You can receive a vertical sleeve gastrectomy with us and enjoy a short vacation in Tijuana for a fraction of the price of surgery in your country. We also offer transportation services to get you from the airport to your appointment. You won’t have to worry about navigating unfamiliar streets — we’ll do it for you!

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Candidacy

Before you can undergo gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, you will meet with us so we can determine if it’s the best option for you. Candidates must be:

In Good Health

Patients who wish to undergo bariatric surgery must be in good health, aside from their weight. This will help reduce the possibility of complications during surgery.

Willing to Follow a Special Diet

Patients who want a gastric sleeve must be willing to follow a strict diet for two weeks before their bariatric procedure. The diet has a calorie limit and consists mainly of lean proteins, vegetables, and low- or no-calorie beverages. Patients must also be willing to alter their diet permanently after their procedures.

At or Over a BMI of 40

Gastric sleeve candidates have a body mass index of 40 or higher, meaning they are at least 100 pounds overweight. If you have a BMI of 35 or higher and a weight-related medical condition, you may also qualify.

BMI calculator


Your BMI is......

less than 18.5: Underweight
18.5 - 24.9:Normal weight
25 - 29.9:Overweight
30 - 34.9:Class I Obese
35 - 39.9:Class II Obese
40 upwards:Class III Obese

Understanding This Weight Loss Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana only takes about an hour to complete. It involves these steps:

Our board-certified surgeon can provide you with bariatric surgery to help you achieve your dream figure and improve your health


We will use general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout your weight loss surgery.

Incisions. INCISIONS

Your bariatric surgeon will make a few small incisions in your abdomen.


A laparoscope, a small instrument with a camera on the end, and surgical tools will be inserted through the incisions.


Your bariatric surgeon will remove 80 percent of your stomach and reconnect it, forming a sleeve-like appearance.


The surgical instruments will be removed and your incisions will be sutured closed.


Gastric sleeve patients are typically expected to stay in the hospital for two to three days to allow for a safe and successful recovery.

Eating Habits After Bariatric Surgery

After receiving a gastric sleeve with us in Tijuana, you will have to abide by a special diet for several months.

On the day after your sleeve gastrectomy, you will only be allowed to drink clear liquids.

Once you leave the hospital, you can eat pureed foods and protein shakes. This will be your diet for the first four weeks.

During the second month, you can switch over to solid foods slowly. Be sure to chew everything thoroughly and don’t drink while you eat. Instead, drink a half hour after your meal.

By the third month, you will be able to eat normal meals. Keep in mind that you’ll only be able to eat small portions of food and your diet will never look like it did before your sleeve gastrectomy.

Additionally, patients should avoid high-calorie foods and beverages, not snack between meals, and take vitamin supplements every day.

“Patients from all over the world come to Vive Bariatrics for their weight loss surgery. Our board-certified surgeons and highly trained staff help to make your experience safe, comfortable, and effective.”